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Showing posts from August, 2010


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? "TV or Not TV, - that is the question; whether tis nobler to listen to the lies and promises of outrageous pitchmen or to slit your throat on an electroplated stainless steel blade!" Our neighbors and children are starving and homeless while we spend billions, even trillions of dollars per year to kill and prepare to kill, people with fears, cares and interests no different from our own. How far does our fear of each other take us? How long before we can admit to simple paranoia? The real fear about war is not what “The Enemy” can or will do to our bodies and homes, but what they might do to our minds - that a conquering foe will subjugate us and within a generation or two, or a decade or two, or a year or two, or even within a month or a week or a day or an hour or two change our minds so that we become slaves and not self determining individuals. Yet we are in bondage now! Right here - right now. We've been programmed to be the sl...


Who,What, Why, When and How ? Most people spend 90% of their time doing what other people want them to do instead of what they want to do themselves. Most people, perhaps you, are haunted by self-destructive feelings which may frighten and depress you, for example; the constant fear that other people are somehow better; the fear that you are now, and will always remain, a second-class citizen in life - or the crushing realization that you always feel poor no matter how much money you earn, and always feel inadequate no matter how great your accomplishments. You may feel stripped of your dreams and consigned to a treadmill existence, distrustful, resentful, insecure - fearing to share with the world your true self. Many wonderful friends choose to destroy their lives rather than meet the challenge of their hopelessness to overcome the horrors of life in our civilized jungle and find joy where once was despair. You may fail to realize that the pain and desperation which propels...