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Showing posts from September, 2011

Church News - June September!

by Doc Well, we're still trying to get settled in Michigan.  I damaged a nerve (pruning trees) about a week after we moved (two years ago) and it is still not better.  Pretty much put me out of commission for most of the first year here.  I had to re-learn to do everything and dropped (and broke) several items because my sense of touch was all messed up.  It also has made my healing work very difficult, but thankfully I am still able to heal people.  Unfortunately, few seem interested in healing that is not medical or magic!  I don't get it. Since January 2008 (Happy Valley Massacre') I have had to devote most of my time to fighting Utah Government on the city, county and state levels in separate actions where they have violated our personal and organizational religious and civil rights.  This has finally been resolved as the Utah Court of Appeals has refused to review our case with the state.  So the last 3 years have been exhausting and sadly...