From Science and Religion Today Is Atheism Increasing at the Expense of Theism? From Gregory Paul , an independent paleontologist and researcher who examines the relationship between religion and society: In recent years, there has been lots of discussion and debate about whether atheism or theism is on the rise around the world . A good deal of the answer can be found in results from the International Social Survey Program. In its Religion II survey conducted in 1998 and Religion III survey sampled in 2008 and just released (why the ISSP is so tardy in releasing its results is obscure), the ISSP asked the same set of questions in 28 countries, allowing assessment of gross longitudinal trends over a decade (because their Religion 1 poll in 1991 asked different questions in far fewer countries, it is not very longitudinally useful). % Don’t believe in God % Theists ov...
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