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Change in Utah Church Leadership May 1st, 2010

The independent Utah branch of UBU Ministries had a change in CEO May 1st, 2010 as Rev. Gregory Lowrey resigned his board membership.

The position of Pastor for Utah and CEO of UBU Ministries - Utah has been filled by Rev. Steven Bosh who has served as Associate Pastor since August 2009.

Several additional board positions have been re-posted.

Welcome Rev. Steve and Rev. Jeri Bosh as members of the board.
We have great confidence in your dedication to the principles of integrity and purpose that we are founded on.

Congratulations also to UBU - Utah on being voted #1 by Utah County in the People's Choice Awards for both tattooing and piercing.

Our ongoing cases of infringement of our 1st Amendment Rights by various departments of Utah State, County and Municipal Government continues.

We won all the (frivolous) criminal cases with relative ease - excepting debilitating stress, near financial ruin and months lost and other damage to our mission here.

We are still working on ongoing 1st Amendment violations against UBU by various departments of government.

Much of the current concern tedious and equally frivolous and absurd interpretations of tax and regulation laws.

I keep wondering since their attempts to disrupt and regulate the exercise of our religious expression are not to ensure compliance with any actual law and run counter to both the US and State Constitutions, then what is the possible motivation but a personal one?

In every case I find support for my initial conviction that this is a case of govt. agents using their civil powers to deny or at least interfere with the legal practice of religion and to give their religious perspective the force and (pretended) cover of law. (religion on religion discrimination)

These cases are so involved and time consuming that we have formed a UBU Ministries Office of Legal Affairs and Government Liaison.

Rev. Doc Lowrey has accepted a request to fill this office while he and Rev. Kita are developing an independent branch of UBU Ministries in Ferndale, Michigan where he is Pastor and CEO.

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