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Holiday of the slowed down Sun.

by Rev. Doc Lowrey

Ok, the Sun likely has not slowed, just our perceptions of it.

We could blame the Earth, I suppose, or we could just be amazed that the planets can affect our attitudes and behavior as much as they do.

Regardless of what holiday you are celebrating this season, it is good to recognize the general mood of goodwill and hopefulness that the holidays engender.

Even if people disagree about what to celebrate or whether to celebrate at all, one thing is clear - at this time of year, people feel nicer and more concerned about their neighbors.  I think that is a good thing and worth celebrating on it's own.

This is a time for change and renewal for the earth and all the things that live on it (even humans).

Perhaps we can take some time to reflect on our gratitude for what and who we do have in our lives and renew our determination to make life better for ourselves and our neighbors.

Love is the answer.  Who and What do you love?  How do you show it?

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