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I Fell In Love With An Egyptian God Of Wisdom

by Sharyce Arciaga

Hermes Trismegistus is the Greek version of the Ancient Egyptian God, Thoth. Hermes Trismegistus means 'The Thrice Great' or 'Three Times Great teacher' and 'Divine Magician.' Thrice great is his perfect and vast wisdom and knowledge.

I fell in love with Hermes because he taught me what I can only describe as etheric beauty and profoundness while bringing magic into my life. He brightened each and every day of my life as I accepted his wisdom. He blessed me with great joy and excitement while putting a smile on my face and tremendous love in my heart.

If you allow yourself to learn and use his concepts in your daily life they will be extremely beneficial to you; as they have been to me in the most miraculous of ways. It is the foundation of this torrid and passionate love affair that I will attempt to explain.

Before Hermes became my lover he was my teacher. He intrinsically imparted the fact that when the student was ready, that he, the teacher, would appear. And so it began...

He embraced me and taught me about 'Divine Magic' which is the magic that all of us have within ourselves. He instructed me in the laws and showed me how to apply them daily. The way he did this was by gently nudging me with the Seven Secrets of Manifestation that follow:

1. Mentalism
2. Correspondence
3. Vibration
4. Polarity
5. Rhythm
6. Cause and Effect
7. Gender

He presented the concept of Mentalism: "The All is Mind; the universe is mental. He explained that the entire universe (including yourself and your life) is composed of an all-encompassing Divine Mind, it's thoughts, and thought forms. I began to embrace the concept of mentalism in it's purest form. I began to consciously create with my mind.

I adored him as he propelled me towards my first conscious creation. As my creation manifested, and although I had been expecting it, I was surprised when it occurred. I was very grateful for each NEW manifestation, yet I remained somewhat amazed!

The reaction of those who witnessed this phenomenon thought that it was nothing short of 'miraculous.' It's funny...the way you can expect a thing, and know it is going to happen, yet be surprised when it occurs. I guess it is the astonishment of the ability to create.

He bestowed upon me the understanding of Correspondence which is summarized by the the phrase: "As above, so below' as below, so above. He clarified that the world is divided into three planes: physical, mental and spiritual and that each plane operates by the same spiritual laws.

The main premise here is that each plane vibrates at a different rate and these vibrational differences are the only distinguishing factors between planes. By applying this understanding I was able to elevate my consciousness and life to a higher plane of existence.

He tenderly allowed me to embrace the concept of Vibration which states: Nothing rests, everything moves; everything vibrates. He illustrated how everything in the universe moves. Even so-called inanimate objects because they are filled with vibrating atoms and the energy of 'The All.' I learned to apply this principle by accelerating or decelerating the vibrational rate of objects or situations that I wished to attract, change, or banish.

Hermes Trismegistus gifted me with the comprehension of Polarity. I believe that 'Polarity' is the easiest of the Seven Sacred Principles to apply to your daily life. It is one that you can easily use to bring about immediate change in your life.

Polarity summarized is: Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike, are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.

Polarity explains that every experience and choice is the same in truth. What appears to be opposite is actually the same, but with different degrees of the same ingredients. To use polarity we will use the example of prosperity and poverty which are opposites.

Picture a pole running north and south. At the south end of the pole you have poverty and at the north end you have prosperity. Imagine a lever on the pole that you can freely move up and down.

Move the lever as far to the top of the pole towards propserity as your mind will allow. If you are able to move your lever all the way to the top of prosperity you will immediately begin to move towards prosperity and away from poverty. Even if you are only able to move your lever just a little, you will experience more in the direction it is moving. Ideally you want to move your lever all the way to the top. It may take time and practice to get it there!

You can apply the principle of polarity to any imaginable situation in your life by applying opposites. Use this principle to transmute unwanted situations and emotions into something more desirable, merely by changing their vibration to the highest end of each pole.

As I embraced Hermes, I embraced the Fifth Sacred Principle of Rhythm: Everything flows, out and in; everything has it's tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.

According to the Fifth Sacred Principle, the Universe operates in precise and predictable rhythms. If you allow these rhythms to master you, then your moods and life will fluctuate up and down. However, by mastering the rhythms, you become immune to downward turns in emotions or life experiences. As an example, implement this principle by becoming aware of the rhythm of the moon and using the waxing and waning of the moon to your advantage.

As I grasped Cause and Effect (the Sixth Sacred Principle) the love in my heart blossomed and unfolded greatly. I was shown that this is a perfectly ordered Universe and that nothing happens by chance or accident.

There is always a Cause behind every Effect and life mastery occurs when you become a conscious Cause of the Effects you desire, instead of being carried along by the wills or desires of others. You can use this principle to effect healing and manifestations.

Understanding Cause and Effect is to recognize it as Universal Law. For example, if you put a seed in the ground, the Universal Law states that it will grow...and grow it does. The sun rises in the east every morning and sets in the west every evening.

That is the law, a perfectly ordered Universe. By implementing these Seven Sacred Principles, you begin to set your own Cause and let the Universe freely deliver it's Effect to you!

The Seventh Sacred Principle is that of Gender. Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes. This has nothing to do with sex. It refers to masculine and feminine energies. A Yin/Yang principle.

I am extremely blessed to have received the wisdom and guidance of Hermes Trismegistus. It is for this reason that I Fell In Love With An Egyptian God Of Wisdom.

Sharyce Arciaga is the Author of this Article. If you would like an array of very interesting metaphysical articles and/or supplies...visit her blog at TheSpiritualArc

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