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The Unspoken Message of Hate from 2011 State of the Union

by Rev. Gregory Lowrey

If you missed President Obama's State of the Union Address last night, you can watch it in full HERE.

As usual, there was a lot of back patting, generality and hope for a brighter future through legislation.

There was also recognition that our best innovative practices are the products of visionary individuals in the private sector who do not wait for government to solve personal, local or world-wide problems.

There was another message though that stood out to me more than anything else and it was shouted out without words and that was a message of intolerance and hate - two principles that are both socially destructive and overtly anti-American.

When President Obama proposed rights of the children of illegal immigrants, who by law (correct me if I'm wrong, please) are granted citizenship by being born on United States soil, decrying the deportation of bright minds after the investment of American Education and the failure to retain other foreign students after educating them here, suggesting America should no longer reject (via bureaucracy, bigotry or other means) persons who could more fully realize their own potential and further the mission of freedom worldwide, very many Congressmen failed to applaud his suggestion.

Likewise, when the President applauded the decision by the Military to cease to discriminate against soldiers who volunteer to very literally place their lives on the line to support the American agenda (however proper or improper that may at times be) because of "who they love" there was an overwhelming lack of positive support shown for the principles of fairness and non-discrimination by Congressmen who are entrusted to protect just those inalienable rights.

And when President Obama actually called on Americans to stand for the equal rights of Muslim Americans, there were many, many Congressmen who refused to stand and show allegiance to the 1st Amendment protections of our Constitution and a foundational principle of Democracy.

Finally, when the President's address was over, two Republican responses were made attacking the president rather than vowing support for and creative involvement in the processes that will achieve his broadly stated but very worthy goals for America. 

These "Representatives" do NOT represent America, nor do they represent the people who elected them.  They very obviously DO represent "special interests" that do not favor equality, fairness, liberty or justice.

These Congressmen who would not stand for America were easy to spot.  They were the ones who remained sitting on their anti-American asses when the President called for all to stand for freedom and equality.  They are the ones who will inflame the insanely huge number of weak minded people here and around the world with their fear-mongering and bigotry.

These men and women who are charged to protect American Values, but who would not stand to count themselves among the lovers of Liberty and Equality are Frauds who along with others like them, must be removed from all levels of government.

One other comment I would like to make regarding the President's address is that we cannot achieve cultural integration while promoting elitist competition.  We should be seeking to work cooperatively with the people of other nations and refuse to make any type of concession that puts human rights behind business.

The principles of fairness and equality that America stands for (and by America I mean the U.S.A.) demand that we "play by the same rules" and refuse to put technology, goods and services into the hands of those who would use it to violate the human rights we have sworn to uphold.

I also would like to reiterate my position that peace achieved through the institution of fear is not peace at all and while despots and bullies of any stature should not be tolerated, their victims should be liberated, not punished for the actions of their victimizers.

I hope that we can move forward to achieve the many worthy goals outlined by President Obama and that we can provide honestly and fairly for the needs of all Americans and the world and remember the true maxim that United We Stand - Divided We Fall.

Partisanship is a a very real evil that only seeks to perpetuate itself and cares little for the destruction it leaves in it's path of self-indulgence.  Our world cannot afford to accommodate this evil.

While there are many instances of poor thinking on the part of Democrats, the actions of the Republican Cartel these last two years especially (and the Bush years equally) are low, mean and a disgusting, repugnant smear on all things American.   I am ashamed of those who vote for bigotry, especially those who promote it as a value of any religion.

Let's hope that the world can reverse the destructive results of generations of uncaring greed and short-sighted self-interest.  Let's pay attention to President Obama's unmentioned (perhaps unintended) point that it is the actions of INDIVIDUAL people who care enough to stand for correct principles that makes the difference and that Liberty and Prosperity come from people - not from Government.

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